Page 5 - Policies and Procedures Manual
P. 5

1. Newsign-ups
a. AnyproviderthatcontactstheofficeoriscontactedbyusfromtheEEClist,andis
not on any other food program, who wishes to join the program will be asked if
she /he currently have non-residential children enrolled in his/her program.
b. Ifaproviderhasnon-residentialchildrenenrolledanappointmentwillbemade.
c. If a provider does not have children enrolled his/her name will be placed on a
waiting list and will be called on a monthly basis.
d. At the set appointed time, a staff member will review and explain the program
including but not limited to these details:
i. What is the CACFP
ii. Food requirements that meet the meal patterns for reimbursement.
iii. How to record their attendance daily
iv. How to enroll a child including what information is required if the child is an
infant or school age.
v. How to fill out menus.
vi. How to submit your menus.
vii. Deadlines for submitting your menus.
viii. When you receive your error report and you believe the office has made a mistake on your reimbursement, what do you do?
ix. Tiering options.
x. Extended hours of care.
xi. What we expect from the provider when we do a home review.
xii. The minimum number of reviews required
xiii. Training required.
xiv. Reviewing the permanent agreement and rights and responsibilities line by
line with the provider and answering any concerns or questions he/she
might have.
e. The home monitor will fill out all the required paperwork with the provider if
he/she decides to join the food program, including asking the provider for a copy of their childcare license.
Provider Resources, Inc. • 360 Merrimack Street, Suite 44 • Lawrence, MA 01843 • (781)-939-9292

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